About Us
Over the last several years I have tried all kinds of things to make my bear bait last longer while not having the bears get frustrated by not getting enough bait. After many failed attempts I realized it wasn’t the bait that I needed to change, I needed to supplement the bait program with something the bears liked and could come back to time and time again.
This led to many more failed attempts while trying to make a product that the bears could not simply destroy or carry off or sit down and devour in one visit. We tried a variety of containers, recipes and cables before coming up with our final products.
Our final product underwent some very serious testing in the field over the last couple of bear hunting seasons. We did not have one single cable failure or even a slip of the cable lock, even though we had a 300 plus pound bear pulling on the BEAR BALL with both paws. One of the biggest surprises to me was that the bears would very seldom attempt to remove or destroy the bait, they normally just walked up to it, held and licked at it.
Even when the standard bait is all gone, the bears are still coming in to check and they have something that will keep them around for a while. The BEAR BALLS have exceeded my expectations on every single level. Even when we stopped baiting one site all together the site was still visited by bears who came in to lick the Bear Balls, and we all know that when you stop baiting a site for just a short while the bears stop visiting that site.
No tools necessary, simply hang the BEAR BALL from a tree limb or feeder or even around the base of a tree. Grab the fully adjustable cable and pull to the desired height. I like to leave mine hanging around 2.5 feet from the ground so it’s effortless for the bears to get at, but it can sure be fun to hang them higher and watch the bears climb to get it or bat at it with their paws.
BEAR BALLS is made to last, made to work and is a proven way to improve any bear site.
Always be sure this product and others you may use is legal where you are hunting.